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Moisten a cotton ball with clove oil and place the cotton ball on the wisdom tooth. Allow the cotton ball to sit for 5-15 minutes before removing and throwing away. To prepare a salt water, you will need to get a glass of warm water and two teaspoons of salt. Add the salt to the glass of warm water and continue to stir until the salt have completely dissolved.
You could also use mouthwash if you prefer not to use a toothbrush the first few days. A chlorhexidine mouthwash is a good alternative to a toothbrush. After your wisdom tooth removal, your dental surgeon will discuss any follow-up visits to monitor healing. They should give you information about who to call if you have questions. Diluting tea tree oil with coconut oil, a carrier oil, and applying it to your inflamed gums could help kill bacteria on your gum line.
What are the problems faced by wisdom tooth?
To help reduce pain and swelling, it is important to follow your dentist’s or surgeon’s postoperative instructions. Overheounter pain medication can also help ease discomfort. Most people experience some degree of swelling after wisdom teeth removal, but it is usually not cause for alarm.

This remedy is very effective ecpecially If your wisdom tooth pain is as a result of swelling. After 24 hours, gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times a day to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Oneresearchshowed that rinsing the mouth with salt water can help reduce bacteria. Nowadays, wisdom teeth are a common issue found in adults.
Can You do a Wisdom Tooth Removal Without Anesthesia?
Onion is an effective home remedy to relieve pain and inflammation from toothache and arthritis. It has an excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which makes it able to reduce swelling and fight bacterial infections. Although, this particular remedy might sound strange but it is very reliable. It contains essential chemical compounds that fights off microorganisms that causes infections.

Whether an impacted wisdom tooth hurts or not, your dentist may decide that extraction is the best option due to potential decay and pain down the road. Even if a wisdom tooth comes through straight, it can put pressure on the other teeth, meaning they gradually become crowded at the front. You likely won't feel up to a workout after your wisdom teeth surgery. Still, even if you get a surge of energy, it's best to avoid any strenuous activity, such as running or lifting weights, for the first few hours after extraction.
Medical treatments
If the clove oil is too strong, try diluting it with coconut oil. In place of clove oil crush a clove bud and tuck into the side of the cheek. Leave in place for 5-15 minutes then remove and dispose of the crushed clove. When you leave the office, you will have a dressing, usually a gauze pad, covering the area. Any bleeding you may suspect is abnormal, call your dentist right away. Change the dressing as instructed; this is an important part of preventing dry socket.
One thing to note here is that pungent onions work better than sweet ones for providing relief. Using peppermint is one of the best ways to relieve pain from a wisdom tooth. Peppermint is full of anesthetic ingredients that help alleviate the toothache and eradicate harmful bacteria from the mouth that cause infection. Moreover, peppermint will give your mouth a fresh aroma and taste. Symptoms of partial eruption can include pain and jaw stiffness in the area of the impacted wisdom tooth. If you choose not to have your wisdom teeth removed, there are a few things that could happen.
Many people find that the best medicine for relieving wisdom teeth pain is ibuprofen, because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, can also be effective. This is a sort of preemptive wisdom tooth pain treatment and gets a head start on stopping the pain and preventing further infection or other problems.
In order to avoid potential issues in the future, wisdom teeth removal is one of the most popular options. The doctor makes small cuts around the tooth and may cut the wisdom tooth into smaller pieces before removing it. The procedure normally takes only a few minutes but can last up to 20 minutes and sometimes more.
If there is no improvements after applying numerous remedies, your dentist can suggest that you have the tooth removed. Wisdom tooth removal is usually done in the hospital by a surgeon. Although, your dentist can do the extraction surgery or better still he can refer you to a surgeon. Acupuncture typically involves the use of small needles that may stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Acupuncture has been shown to help relieve dental pain after surgery.

Dr. Isaac explains that the warmth increases the blood supply to the area to initiate faster healing, while the saltwater reduces inflammation. Onions contain phytochemicals that are capable of killing infection causing germs in your mouth. And the more pungent an onion is, the better it is at killing germs.
One of the most popular remedies for toothache is a saltwater rinse. When the expert is sure that the patient is drowsy, the strategy for wisdom teeth extraction will start. We do not believe the patient should have food in the digestive system. Thus before tooth pulling, it is best for the patient to not eat or drink for 12 hours.
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